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Julie Lux

Chief of Client Directed Services

Julie Lux, Director of CDS, assists with relationship building among the partners of MRCI and monitors the legislative priorities that will directly affect the day to day lives of our clients and their workers.

Julie was hired by MRCI in 2007, shortly after graduating college with a degree in History/Sociology. She worked as a direct support worker in MRCI’s Day Training and Habilitation program in Mankato. In late 2009, Julie transitioned to the Client Directed Services department to assist with claims and reimbursements. Following the transition, Julie has had several different roles with MRCI CDS. She has worked in the PCA Choice program, licensed services under the 245D programs, FMS services and she was a Program Manager for Client Directed Services before taking on the Strategic Relations and Government Affairs position.

Julie is currently am co-chair of the Minnesota First Provider Alliance Policy Committee as well as a member of the Alliance. She sits on the PCA Coalition and is an active member with MN-CCD and sits on their Policy Committee. She is also an active member with ARRM.

When not following the legislature, she enjoys the outdoors. Julie, her husband and two kids enjoy camping and hiking. She also enjoys baking and decorating cakes and cookies.

Julie’s favorite quote is: “I am not going to live by their rules anymore.” – Bill Murray

One thing that motivates Julie is helping families understand what legislative mandates are coming from the state of Minnesota so they know how this will affect their program which is so crucial for their loved one. Julie strives to be a voice for our families when they cannot be up at the capital to really let our legislators know what their votes will mean to our families.

الخدمات الموجهة للعملاء

1961 Premier Drive ، Suite 318

مانكاتو ، مينيسوتا 56001

MRCI Client Directed Service's Logo

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Report perceived illegal or unethical activity to the Corporate Compliance line at 1(866)280-9928. 

245D Licensed Services, Financial Management Service (FMS), PCA Choice Agency, Minnesota DHS, Homemaker, CDCS, CSG, Individualized Home Supports, Host Home, Respite, Private Pay, Night Supervision, Veteran-Directed Care

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